Downloading Turgalicia points of interest in GeoRSS format

1. GeoRSS Definition

GeoRSS is a set of standards for representing geographical information using layers and it is housed within the RSS family of standards.

In GeoRSS feeds, the content consists of geo-referenced points of interest and other notes and the source codes designed to generate maps.

GeoRSS can be utilised as an RSS feed, and viewed in an RSS feed reader, such as Google Reader, Netvibes, Bloglines, my Yahoo!, etc.

Nowadays there are already several programs and web applications that allow GeoRSS viewing. Among these we may mention: Google Maps, Bing Maps…

2. GeoRSS in Google Maps

2.1. Definición and URL

Google Maps is a very simple to use Google service which offers powerful mapping technology, as well as local business information (location, contact information and directions).

The URL address of Google Maps is:

2.2. Incorporate GeoRSS into Google Maps

To import data into google maps you must have a gmail account. If you do not have one, you can create one at:

  1. To enter GeoRSS into Google Maps click on the My maps tab:

    Google Maps

  • Then click on the Sign in tab:

    Google Maps

  • The next step is to enter the gmail account name with password. Once entered, the account will go back to the main Google Maps screen where you can now create a new map.

    Google Maps

  • To incorporate GeoRSS, it must be imported. Click on the Importar tab to then look for the file downloaded from the Turgalicia website.

    Google Maps

  • Google Maps

  • Once the GeoRSS file is incorporated you can choose the new map's name and write a description of it.

    Google Maps

  • To save the map, click on the Done button, taking the privacy option into account (sharing only with selected people who have the map's URL).

    Google Maps

  • 3. GeoRSS in Bing Maps

    3.1. Definition and URL

    Bing Maps is a web map service for the Microsoft Bing search engine, which functions with Bing Maps for Entrepise.

    The URL of Bing Maps is:

    3.2. Incorporating GeoRSS in Bing Maps

    To incorporate GeoRSS it is necessary to have a hotmail account, which you can sign up for on the website:

    1. The first step is to log onto your hotmail account, which will require going to the top right of the page where it says Log in.

  • Once signed into the hotmail account, click on the bottom left of the tab on see your places (Your Places).

  • A new window will appear where you can import GeoRSS in the Import tab.

  • Once GeoRSS is found, it can be viewed on the website.

  • 4. Mechanisms for conversion to other formats with GPSBabel

    The GPSBabel program allows the conversion of more than 140 file formats to be able to work with them in different programs for editing and processing geographical data and different GPS receiver models.

